◆Petite body of the pomegranate tree grows in Asia originally, began around 5000 in the Mediterranean region near the plant, etc.
◆Pomegranate seed oil is the only plant source of conjugated unsaturated fatty acids, we are unable to find out the unique vegetable oil content structure similar to it.Pomegranate seed oil contains a large number of unique highly unsaturated fatty acid, the fatty acid is called conjugated fatty acid, because it should not exist the world of plants, linoleic acid is a kind of deformation time, with three conjugated double bonds (pomegranate acid).
The trace elements in pomegranate seed oil accounted for (mg/KG)
Calcium Ca 42.2
Potassium K 3.48
Zinc Zn 1.54
Iron Fe 2.66
Sulfur S8.95